Mayra Estrada – Cruz, LCSW
Mayra Estrada-Cruz or simply Mayra as she is known by clients and colleagues at MosaicMH, moved to New York City from Puerto Rico with a dream to become a healer. Initially aspiring to be a Pediatrician, Clinical Social Work practice became a perfect career, combining her love for healing along with the strong belief that people can become better by changing their thinking, taking control of their lives. Since obtaining her degree from Hunter College’s Silberman School of Social Work, her passion became working with children, adolescents and their families, especially the Latino communities living in the northwest Bronx. During her 20 years plus of practice at MosaicMH her interests and achievements have included dyadic work with mothers and babies, the establishment of the Family Support Center at Mosaic (2010) and at the Rosalyn Yalow Charter School in the southeast Bronx (2014) as well as supervising and training staff and interns from NYU Silver School of Social Work.
Observing and advising parents in how to deal with new issues in the digital age, in 2015 Mayra collaborated with Dr. Delaney Ruston, a pediatrician, mental health advocate and documentarian in the making of Screenagers – Growing Up in the Digital Age. The documentary has been seen nationwide and internationally to critical acclaim. It has also gotten the attention of various media outlets including Good Morning America and the New York Times. As Deputy Executive Director (2017) her focus has been to prepare the agency for growth in the changing climate of behavioral health. |